Deals Services
The financial advisors of Grant Thornton offer customized solutions to their clients through personalized methods and services.
Our goal is to redefine how clients do business. With expertise in digital strategy, AI, data insights, and automation, we create personalized solutions to enhance productivity and drive innovation.
Strategy and Investments
The Strategy and Investments department supports businesses at strategic, operational and financial level.
Environmental, Social, Governance, Risk & Compliance
In the current business and regulatory environment, businesses aspire to meet today's requirements effectively, and to create value on sustainable terms.

Audit Services
The dedicated staff of Grant Thornton provide you with audit services such as financial statements for your business by using the HORIZON methodology.
Business Growth Advisory
At Grant Thornton, we recognize the need to align financial data with regulatory change, as well as the requirement for accurate financial data and consulting services.

Corporate Taxation
Grant Thornton's tax professionals offer Corporate Taxation Services to provide advice and solutions to any issues your business may have.
Corporate tax compliance
The Grant Thornton corporate tax compliance specilaists possess long experience in both multinationals and Greek companies in all business sectors.
International tax services
Grant Thornton supports all businesses operating at the European and international level with advice on international tax matters.
Transfer pricing
Grant Thornton offers comprehensive pricing policy planning and tax audit support for domestic, multinational and corporate tax executives.
Tax Controversy
Grant Thornton provides tax audit and risk services because tax disputes are unavoidable in numerous businesses.
Private Client Services
In case you are an individual, Grant Thornton provides services like tax returns, transfer of wealth to future generations and expatriate taxation services
Indirect taxes
Learn more from Grant Thornton about our services for indirect taxes such as real estate taxes, customs, VAT and stamp duties.
Tax restructuring
Grant Thornton provides tax advisory services to companies undergoing tax restructuring or a change in their strategic direction.
Diagnostic Tax Review
Diagnostic tax review is a tax service offered by Grant Thornton to assist your organisation in identifying and assessing potential tax exposures.
Tax efficient supply chain planning
Get informed about tax efficient supply chain planning and how to improve your company's productivity model by reorganizing your productivity activities.
Global mobility strategy
In a globalized world, businesses must work seamlessly across borders. Organizations operate in multiple countries and view international expansion as a strategic objective.

Accounting & Tax Compliance Services
Transferring non-core, yet important, activities outside the company and assigning them to specialists - external partners (Business Process Outsourcing) is the best practice applied by companies seeking to maximize efficiency and cut costs.
HR & Payroll services
Grant Thornton provides specialized services in payroll management and human resources management for any type of company.

Grant Thornton has a dedicated financial services team that provides banking services such as tax and non-bank accountancy advisory services.
Here you will find all the financial assurance services that Grant Thornton can offer to your company and the pillars that are included.
Asset management
In Grant Thornton, asset management is a business approach that concerns assurance and control services and regulatory compliance services.
Central Government
Grant Thornton provides services to central government agencies to respond immediately and effectively to the challenges that have arisen.
Public Corporations and Organizations
Grant Thornton supports Public Enterprises and Organizations to evaluate their operations and upgrade their services to meet current requirements.
Local Government
Grant Thornton and its qualified employees offers audit and consulting services to support local government challenges.
NSRF Managing Authorities and Special Services
Grant Thornton's specialized team of executives provides Technical Assistance services for the programs managed by Special Services.
Public Health Services
Grant Thornton includes experienced professionals whose aim is to provide integrated services at all levels of the public health system.
Social Security Services
The public sector division of Grant Thornton provides high quality audit and advisory support services to members of the pension system.
Banking & Securities
Asset management
Asset management
Central Government
Grant Thornton provides services to central government agencies to respond immediately and effectively to the challenges that have arisen.
Public Corporations and Organizations
Grant Thornton supports Public Enterprises and Organizations to evaluate their operations and upgrade their services to meet current requirements.
Local Government
Grant Thornton and its qualified employees offers audit and consulting services to support local government challenges.
NSRF Managing Authorities and Special Services
NSRF Managing Authorities and Special Services
Public Health Services
Grant Thornton includes experienced professionals whose aim is to provide integrated services at all levels of the public health system.
Social Security Services
The public sector division of Grant Thornton provides high quality audit and advisory support services to members of the pension system.
Hotels & tourism services
Hotels & tourism services
Information Technology
Information Technology
Being entrepreneurial and delivering mid-market sized turnover need not be mutually exclusive. Sweden’s Fontana Food has achieved the best of both worlds
When Frixos Papadopoulous arrived in Sweden in 1974 as a refugee following the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, the entrepreneur spotted a gap in the country’s unadventurous food market. He started selling exotic Cypriot fruit juices to small retailers out of his car boot, and by 1978 Fontana Food was born.
Today, the company employs 34 staff, has a £25 million turnover and supplies around 200 product lines, including a variety of Greek cheeses such as feta, olive oil and olives. Despite this growth, Fontana Food has retained its start-up spirit. Employees have a shared passion for what the company does, ideas flow freely and the good ones are followed up and acted upon quickly.
So what can other growing mid-market businesses that want to remain entrepreneurial learn from Fontana Food’s experience? Here are their five top tips:
1) Build entrepreneurship into your DNA
Fontana Food is a typical example of a start-up that has successfully harnessed its entrepreneurial potential as it has progressed towards becoming a mid-sized company. Annika Hall, director of business advisory at Grant Thornton Sweden, describes this as a transition from “individual to corporate entrepreneurship”.
Individual entrepreneurs are typically fast, flexible and action-oriented. They are also good at spotting new opportunities, being completely customer driven and making the best of limited resources. Most notably, they value the freedom and control that they gain from working for themselves.
While these characteristics are positive contributors to growth in the start-up phase, they don’t necessarily remain so. Ironically, an entrepreneur’s desire for control can stifle the creativity of like-minded staff within the organisation, which becomes a brake on growth.
Corporate entrepreneurship weaves the positive attributes of individual entrepreneurs into the fabric of an organisation, allowing entrepreneurial behaviour to flourish.
“Corporate entrepreneurship is embedded within the social relationships, structures and processes of a company,” says Hall. “You need to ensure that these things are set up in a way that encourages people to behave as individual entrepreneurs, coming up with ideas and questioning and challenging things. If you don’t enable this then entrepreneurial people within the organisation – intrapreneurs – will leave.”
2) Include everyone
Hall says there are numerous ways to preserve an entrepreneurial culture as you grow. “Create a culture where people are allowed, encouraged and seen to have ideas, and where there is a constant discussion around what you do, how you do things and whether you do them in the best way,” says Hall. “This encourages people to feel that their individual contribution is valued, which means they are more likely to behave in an entrepreneurial way.”
Corina Papadopoulou agrees. As Fontana Food’s communications director, she helps father Frixos run the company alongside her brother, Loizos, who is the CEO. She says the company is “more entrepreneurial than ever”, thanks largely to the strong relationships that her father has encouraged the family to build with customers, suppliers and staff.
“We’re very inclusive,” she explains. “We always ask for and listen to everyone’s opinion, even if they can’t be involved in all the decisions. For example, we always have proper lunch breaks and sit around a table for an hour. You get great inspiration and input by just talking during your lunch break.”
Corina believes the company’s inclusive approach has helped to drive retention too. On average, staff stay with the company for around 10 years but the longest serving employee joined Fontana 26 years ago.
3) Walk the talk
Corporate entrepreneurship can manifest itself in plenty of other ways: reward systems that encourage the sharing of ideas and opinions; promotion on the basis of entrepreneurial behaviour; and the presence of entrepreneurial people at all levels of the organisation. Hall also suggests introducing clear structures and processes so that employees know what to do when they have an idea and actually have the opportunity to try it out.
However, she warns that companies need to “walk the talk” if people are to truly believe that they can behave in an entrepreneurial way. “Don’t encourage people to put their ideas in an ideas box but only ever enact the ideas of a handful of people,” says Hall. “It sends out a contradictory message.”
4) Build a shared vision
Hall recommends that companies define a shared vision or goal to serve as a guiding light for all entrepreneurial activity. Fontana Food’s goal is to become the most well-known Greek food company in northern Europe, delivering the best products to its customers. It’s a goal it wants to achieve through energy, passion, persistence and honesty.
“We’ve grown up with our father’s vision and values, and it would be criminal not to carry on in the same spirit because it’s taken him 40 years to get the company to where it is today,” says Corina. “It’s a huge responsibility to make sure that it always stays that way.”
The company has already learnt the consequences of straying from the founder’s values. Marketing manager Marie Eklund explains: “There was a growth spurt four or five years ago when some wrong [recruitment] decisions were made. I think we’ve realised that the most important thing for the success of Fontana is the people who are in this building. We have to share the same values, which are honesty, passion and having fun. It’s possible to climb the career ladder here but it can’t be your core focus.”
5) Get the balance right
It’s also important, Hall says, to achieve the right degree of corporate entrepreneurship. She describes it as a balance between exploration – allowing people to try out new things – and optimisation – ensuring you deliver what you already do in an efficient and effective way. Fontana Food understands that need for balance. As it becomes bigger it is beginning to put some systems and processes in place, but it is still in pursuit of growth so that infrastructure will be sparing. “We’re still driven by passion, by finding gaps in the market and by solving problems for our customers,” says Eklund. “Processes should help you to do good business; you shouldn’t have processes for processes’ sake.”
For growing companies that achieve corporate entrepreneurship, the prize, says Hall, is sustainability through constant renewal and development. Ask the Papadopoulous family – they should know. Their entrepreneurial outlook has given them a bright and exciting future in which they hope to become leaders in their core product categories, introduce new innovations to the market and eventually achieve Frixos’s dream of becoming northern Europe’s most well-known Greek food company.