Past Event: Thursday, September 22, 2022

Grant Thornton and Enactia jointly organize the breakfast event “Cybersecurity and Data Protection: Digitalizing governance, risk and compliance processes in your Organization”. The event will take place on the 22nd of September, at Athenaeum InterContinental Athens Hotel, from 9:30am – 13:00pm.

During the event, our Cybersecurity advisors in collaboration with our Enactia partners, will share valuable insights of the current cybersecurity and data protection developments, especially after the introduction of different regulations and directives and what has changed in the last 4.5 years after the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Furthermore, we will present case studies on how our team was able to support clients in their compliance journey using Enactia SaaS and how it can support various roles such as the DPO, CISO, Compliance and Risk Officers to address their daily operational challenges.

Athenaeum InterContinental Athens Hotel

Andrea Syngrou Ave., 89-93, Athens, Greece, 11745